
Talam 4 Rasa by Paty's kitchen

1 ½ cup rice flour / 1 1/2 cwn tepung beras
3 cups coconut milk / 3  cwn santan sederhana pekat
2 tbsp tapioca flour / 2 sudu besar tepung ubi
¾ cup sugar / ¾  cwn gula
Pinch of salts / secubit garam
1 cup mashed red beans / 1 cawan kacang merah kisar – I used the can red beans
1 cup sweet corn blend / 1 cawan jagung manis diblend halus
1 cup cendol / 1 cawan cendol Drop of yellow, green and red coloring

For The final Layer / Bahagian Lapisan Terakhir
1 cup flour / 1  cawan tepung gandum
½ cup hong kue flour / ½ cawan tepung hng kue
½ cup palm sugar / ½ cawan gula merah
½ cup sugar / ½ cawan gula
2 eggs / 2 biji telur
2 cups coconut milk / 2 cawan santan
1 cup water / 1 cawan air
Pinch of salts / secubit garam

Methods/Cara-Cara:  Kat Sini

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